FLOODrisk2020 Programme and registration open

Posted: 19/02/2020 By: Samui Admin Tags:

We are delighted to be able to announce that the programme at a glance is now live and can be found on floodrisk2020.net/programme/.

It includes all plenary sessions, parallel session and special sessions as well as one confirmed side event to take place on the Monday ahead of the conference.

Registration is now also opened for the early bird rate to attend the conference. You can register on page floodrisk2020.net/registration/ where you are not only able to select the type of attendance package that you prefer but also, technical visits and social events including the welcome reception and dinner cruise. 

Early bird registration will end on 3rd April, so make sure to register to attend the conference as soon as possible.

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Launch of the FLOODrisk2020 virtual conference gateway

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